Sunday, September 30, 2007

The new family vehicle

OK, so my car breaks down ($4000 to repair) right after I pick it up from the dealership supposedly fixing it. My DH was planning on replacing his 14 yr old pickup this winter after we get the credit card paid off, but now we *have* to have something the whole family can fit in. So DH gets the Ford Escape he's been wanting, but makes the compromise of getting an Automatic in stead of Manual so I can drive it easily (when ever that will be). So now we are living like a one-car family after having two for our entire 14 yr marriage. I know there are people that do that all the time, but I have to be at work before he does, I get out of work at 3 and he doesn't until 5, I have to get home 10 miles away to be home with oldest son after school, I also have a few evenings where I have to be at school from 4-8pm. And this doesn't include DS1's activities, dentist/doctor appointments, etc. We've gotten use to being able to do multiple things/be in multiple places when it was called for. Right now my generous MIL & FIL are allowing me to drive FIL's car, but he's going to need that back eventually.

Update: They came for their car Sunday evening.

Anyway, here it is...Our 2007 Ford Escape

license plate blurred for privacy purposes

Saturday, September 29, 2007

All the cards I've received in swaps

For a card making group that I'm on, I'm suppose to post what I've received. I belong to two different groups. One group, everyone I've swap with tends to put post-it notes in the card saying who it's from. Unfortunately the group that wants these photos, no one does that and I don't keep the used envelopes with the card once I've posted that I've gotten it (I'm trying to keep the clutter down to a minimum). So, I'm just going to scan them all and let everyone enjoy everyone's creativity.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

scrapbook layouts

Just a couple to show you (still need to finish journaling on a two page spread before I take a picture of it.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Catch up

Well, lets see...DS2 caught bad cold two weeks ago, I got it last week, and now DH has it. Son2 also has Strep Throat this weekend.

Dh's birthday day...the candles are grouped in a set of 3 and set of 7 to represent his age (wasn't going to light 37 candles even if I was able to fit them all on that small cake).

Did go to Steam Show in Eldon. I need to buy new batteries for camera. Didn't get any pictures of the tractor pull, blacksmithing, or saw mill demonstrations because of the batteries (I thought they had enough "juice").
locomotive ride for the kids

petting zoo

Here's one of the Karate pictures as mentioned last time...

Ok, well it's hot and I'm off to bed. Got to be awake and perky for work tomorrow.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

belated blogging

I know I promised to post every day for a month but I do have a good excuse. I've been very busy. Volleyball game after work, scrapbooking lessons (I teach so takes some prep time), take both boys to Awanas, oldest son to trial karate lesson - and I do have karate pictures, but the camera batteries need re-charging so I have to wait on that (finally got charger back from husband so I could do that). Meanwhile, I do have a couple of cards that I received in some swaps that I'd like to share for inspiration until camera is recharged again.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Rachel's Challenge - Start a Chain Reaction

At school today, we had a field trip to listen to a speaker for Rachel's Challenge. ( Very moving.

There were several challenges given to the kids that I thought I might try. One was to journal everyday for one month. Well, that's what a blog is so I'll try to post here everyday. Since it is late right now, I'll do something with more "meat" tomorrow.

The challenges:
  • Look for the best in other, eliminate prejudice
  • Write out personal goals and keep a journal
  • Choose positive influences
  • Make little acts of kindness and use kind words
  • Write letters of gratitude to 3-4 close friends or family to start a chain reaction

Monday, September 3, 2007

The last of the August cards

For a Button Card Swap: Must use buttons in any way. I tried to make them look like the buttons were holding the picture of the flowers on.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
Ribbon Card Swap: Use ribbon in any way. I made a fairly simple card. There is another layer inside to give an area to write since the green might be too difficult of a background to read.
< < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < <

This is a pair of cards using a card pack. Hopefully, the swappers won't feel like I cheated because I use something that was pre-printed. I bought the card pack at school and really didn't look at the paper that came with it. I did add the square with the get well message and the tiny flower in the center of the 8 petal flower.